
Monday 25 June 2018

My story The 12 keys

Hi its me again so I have been writing a story called The 12 keys. Its a fantasy, adventure story if you want to read it it will be under! I love writing story's it gives me a chance to put my creativity and ideas to use.But I also made the 12 keys to practise my pincushion and spelling. anyway! if the reader which is you would like to read the 12 keys then HERE IT IS and thanks for taking the time to read this. Oh and I will keep changing this because I will be putting more of the story in so just a heads up!


Once upon a time there was the kingdom of Feoray, the kingdom was a sight to behold, people talking and laughing but sadly not all things can be perfect, that's why there were things called gilds. But we will talk about those later for now let's talk about the kingdom. In Feoray the houses are not big, they are able to fit 5 people and the houses all look the same. All the houses are lined up side by side. The houses have brown roofs, and all the houses are made of wood.

Gilds are lots of people with magic powers, they are called wizards. Anyway there are many types of guilds but there are to many to count so i'm not going to tell you, oh and all guilds have a symbol and if you join a guild, they will ask where you what the symbol, most people have it on there shoulder, hand, leg, Chest, back or even nek they have these marks so people know what guild you are from. All guilds have a master, the master of the guild is the person who runs the guild .

Now let's talk about  the wizards, now, I know what you are thinking they wear hats and cloaks and they do magic spells and they can us all types of magic. NOPE in feoray there are many types of wizards, there are fire wizards, ice wizards ,weather wizards and so on. But there is only one wizard that has a magic called zodiac summoning magic. Or the keys of the 12 zodiac, now, you all should know what they are, if you don’t then, I don't know. Anyways, this magic allows you to summon one zodiac, now the reason I say one is because it takes a lot of strength, and if you are powerful in mind and strength you can summon all of them. This magic also gives you different forms so like let's say you summon Leo the Lion you could transform, and you could use there powers to help them.

Now remember when I said that only one person could use this magic? Well her name is Legend. Legend is a really kind girl, powerful too. She has long purple hair, and red eyes she wears boots, shorts, and a short top, oh and she wears a black jaket too. She wears her hair out, and wears short fingerless gloves. She wears a belt with a pouch to hold all her keys.

If you are wondering, yes Legend is in a guild, and the guilds name is Angels wings. I’m not sure why that is. Anyway, the master of this guilds name is mavis. Oh and i should've mentioned this earlier, silly me! What was I going to say?? Oh yeah, so even though a guild is one big team, the members can be in smaller groups, like Legend, she has a team of 4 who of course are her friends. There names are shadow, now shadow is not the brightest person but he has a good heart he uses well shadow’s magic. He has black hair and all his clothes are black too. Let me tell you, he is as pale as a vampire!! he hates the sun to so yeah. He can be really protective of his friends. Next up is leaf, he's a really kind person, he loves nature, but maybe you could already tell, you know because of his name? He has a kind heart, and he's great with other people. Leaf has long dark green hair. He wears green clothing. Leaf wears a white T-shirt and a light green jacket and leather pants. He wears his long hair in a low ponytail, oh and Leaf uses the magic of nature.Next up sky she's really outgoing. She uses wind magic, that means she can control the wind and the colds. Sky has short white hair and she wears her hair out. She wears a white dress with blue details.

Now that I have told you all about Legend and her friends, we can get into the story. One morning, Legend and her friends went to the gild to see if there were any quests that they could go on. Luckily there was a lot to pick from. “LET'S DO THIS ONE LETS DO THIS ONE” sky said. “NO WAY” yelled shadow. “why not?” leaf asked read the paper then you will know! Said shadow. Leaf looked at the paper leaf looked at sky and put his hand on her holder then said sorry sky but there is no way we can kill a DEMON.But but but said sky with a very sad face why not asked legend do you really think we can kill a demon yelled Shadow come on shadow let's just try said Legend PLESE PLESE PLESE beged sky. Leaf what do you think asked shadow, well …… sure why not said Leaf sounding scared and excited to go on this requests we are SO dead Shadow yelled.

So that same day they set of to kill a demon.It says here that we have to go to the village of village of glife andor?? Said Sky sounding really anoud that she can not say the villages name let me, have a look sky it says that we need to go to the village of Gryffindor said Legend. Where the heck is that I have never heard of that place said shadow sounding super! Confused you have never heard of this place before because its dip in the woods of the mountain said Lea,f how and why do you know that said Shadow well you see it's my home I was born there said leaf REALLY yelled sky jumping around Leaf. Well yeah but I left when I was around 12 I think so I haven't been back in a long time Leaf said well then this would be a good time to 1 see your family 2 introduce us to your family and 3 GET A GOOD AMOUNT OF MONEY said Legend don't be rude legend we are going to help the people not for the money said sky but remember we might not live to spend all that money said shadow but if we die we don't even get the money so what you just said shadow makes no sense said sky.

Ok ok come on let's go we are almost there said leaf. They keep walking for about half and hour WE ARE HERE yelled leaf with a lot of excitement in his voice you say we are here but do you see a village said shadow remember I said the village was dip i the mountain but what I didn't tell you guys is that when you get to where the village is you'll need to find the door said Leaf, the….door? Said shadow,Legend,and Sky.Yes well you see when the village was being built the people of the village put up a magical bare around the village, and a bit of the woods but when they put the barrier up they found that you could only go throw a certain part of it Leaf explained so what how do you know where this door is? Asked Legend.Well the door glows so yeah oh! But only the people from the village can see it Leaf said.So after leaf explained they went to look for the door, come on! Are we there yet it feels like we've have been walking for hours! Sky, are you kidding me! Sky we have only been walking for 10 minutes shouted Shadow then Legend said  ok ok you two stop bickering you sound like an old married coup, OK LEGEND i'm going to stop you right there! Shadow quickly said right before Legend could finish her sentence.cant take a joke can you shadow mumbled, Legend. Suddenly Leaf stopped walking why did you stop? Asked Legend because we are here…..ok then let's go Leaf said sounding nervous to go throw the door, not sure about you but I would be nervous to I mean come on when was the last time he was there oh right when he was like 12! anyway back to the story, when they went thru the door it was a lot worse than they thought it would be houses, trees were all burnt down smoke everywhere this was not the same place that Leaf remembered start away they ran as fast as they could into the town square.

This place looks awful sky said in fear guys no time to stand around we will split up help anyone and everyone if you see the demon protect the people, we need to get everyone into the forest said Legend wait why the forest, asked shadow because that's the only place with the least amount of damage Legend quickly replayed but what if the demon is here are and follows us into the forest said Sky like I said protect the people OK lets go good luck guys said Legend same to you shadow said, Sky and shadow ran to go help anyone the could Leaf you ok said Legend Leaf just stood there I-I can't believe this why would the demon come here WHY HERE Leaf said Legend saw fear and anger in his eyes, Leaf there is no time to get all emotional, ok right now our main priority is to save as many people as we can and just standing here does not help Legend said. Right right sorry Leaf said as he ran as fast as he could Legend did the same, They all ran in different directions trying to cover the hole village, suddenly Legend heard a big explosion sound close to where she was whale helping some villagers she told them to run to the forest as fast as they can and to stay together no matter what after telling them that they ran towards the forest, then legend starts running towards where she heard the loud explosion! suddenly she stops and sees a cloud of smoke and fire in the fire she sees a tall man with long messy raven coloured hair and big scale black wings. Then as fast as she can she gets out the key of the lion and transforms, when she transforms she is wearing a long black fishtail dress with long black gloves, oh and her hair is in a french braided side bun then only after a second she transformed she ran as fast as she could to attack from behind but when she was close to the man she attacked but Legend didn't see him move at all she dogged the attack then transformed, this time she transformed with.